About Us

                                                                                                   About Us

Jerald story began at his kitchen table thinking to himself how he would like to change his life and create something more purposeful and exhilarating… At the time he had been jettison back and forth from the East Coast to the West Coast creating sales funnels and resources that became very lucrative, yet mundane over the years. It was at this point of mulling over his life at his kitchen table he decided to change it, prayed and asked GOD to replace his life with something new and invigorating provoking excitement and bliss.

Some weeks later while pulling up at the gas station around the corner from his house. He noticed a new beauty supply store had opened up at the end of this small plaza near the gas station, and went in to browse, when he came across shea butter souffle. The smells of the different fragrances and soft consistency of the product enticed him to purchase five containers of the shea butter souffle. After bringing the shea butter souffle home and applying it the lotion was instantly! abandoned to the shelves collecting dust. Several weeks of using the shea butter souffle all over his body he noticed that his dry skin cracked feet were no longer dry or cracked, yet moisturized and was elated beyond belief to have feet again since nothing else he used was working …. It was during these weeks he had received a phone call from a very close associate who had informed him that he has a “business opportunity” he believes Jerald would be interested in… they agree to get together soon, no date, time or specifics were discussed.

It was a couple of weeks later when Jerald supply of shea butter was exhausted, and he went back to the beauty supply store to purchase more all to his surprise the beauty supply store that was there three months ago is now gone!!! Jerald became astonishingly perplexed and discouraged since he didn’t know how or where to find that product again and dreaded going back to lotion.  Two weeks later his very close associate called him, and asked was he ready to discuss the business opportunity they had briefly spoken about a month ago. Jerald exclaimed he was and to come to  the house to talk.

The doorbell rang about an hour later and when Jerald opened the door to his surprise and amazement his associate was standing before him with the brightest white teeth, radiant smile and five 8-ounce containers of the shea butter souffle. Jerald responded excitedly, “That’s what I’ve been wanting!!!  His associate exclaimed, “This is the business opportunity, I wanted to talk to you about!!” He stated he was assisting an African gentlemen “whom coaches football with him manufacturing the shea butter souffle in his basement!!”and because the demand picked up, he is running out of money to keep up with supply …. “Jerald expressed his immediate interest to be a part of the endeavor, however his intentions were not to impose upon another mans business and asked his associate to let him know once he goes broke and desires funding.

Nine months elapsed before he met the manufacturer of the shea butter souffle, and they immediately went into partnership after discussing numbers, statistics, processes, and terms of agreement. It seemed like it was a wonderful match, until the partner and Jerald couldn’t come to terms of agreement with production and sales, after 90 days they did agree to draw up another contract voiding out the initial agreement and Jerald forgiven the debt his partnered owed for the initial capital investment. It was at this moment, Jerald created DC Divine Concepts LLC. Throughout his research Jerald studied shea butter, its origins, benefits, and the oils he could use to carry it and whip it into a souffle beyond what anyone has ever experienced before and birthed his first new product!!! “DC Shea Butter Souffle Skin and Hair Moisturizers by DC Divine Concepts LLC”.  “Home of the Whipped and Creamy Organic Shea Butter Souffle.  Jerald wanted the motto to be coined “We minister to skin” because of his rejuvenated skin, metamorphosis of his soft silky-smooth feet and the myriad of testimonies and reviews about how its loved and is changing lives through the skin… This company has been in existence since 2017, up until 2020 when COVID ravaged the nation Jerald elected to promote his product through e-commerce and curbside pickup.

The momentum of DC Divine Concepts LLC has since picked up and the company is now on Google, BBB accredited, all social media platforms and growing with rave reviews. Jerald can be reached by email conceptsd17@gmail.com  for any further inquiries.